Jane's Weather API (1.0.0-alpha.9)

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Jane's Weather AI Forecast API provides a level of accuracy superior to traditional weather forecasts through a combination of global weather data, machine learning, artificial intelligence, local weather observations and proprietary algorithms, offering users:

  • Access to hyper-local weather forecasting, which is not currently available from traditional forecast models or services.

  • Timely and frequently updated weather forecast data, ensuring clients receive the latest, most reliable insights without the delay of outdated weather models.

  • Advanced weather forecast variables specific to operational needs across a range of industries, including agriculture and horticulture, such as frost and dew risk, spraying conditions (deltaT & advanced spray calculations), irrigation (evapotranspiration), sowing, growing and harvest timing (growing degree days and chill units), wind (speed & gust), storm risk, solar irradiance, UV index, heat/cold stress, feedlot heat, freezing rain, weather conducive to pests and diseases and more.

Key Differentiators:

  • Machine Learning optimises forecast accuracy by learning from local observations and fine-tuning predictions for the user's unique microclimate.

  • Full Model Coverage, the Jane’s Weather AI Forecast ingests the latest European (ECMWF), Australian (ACCESS), Canadian (GEM) and USA (GFS) models, ensures high-resolution forecasts on a 9 by 9 km (soon to be 1 by 1 km) grid, hourly for 10 days, taking advantage of all pieces of the weather forecasting puzzle.

  • Enhanced Forecast Precision, in hourly and daily detail across essential metrics such as temperature, humidity, wind (speed & gust), precipitation, frost, deltaT, dew point, cloud coverage, solar irradiance and more.

Forecast Variables

The AI Forecast provides the following data points and insights.

Essential variables, hourly for the next ten days:

  • Temperature
  • Weather icon
  • Feels like temperature
  • Relative humidity
  • Dew point temperature
  • Delta-T
  • Wind: direction, speed and gust
  • Rain or snow
  • Cloud cover (low, medium, high and total)
  • Pressure (Mean Sea Level)

Daily for the next ten days:

  • Maximum and minimum temperature
  • 24 hour rain or snow
  • Night, Day and Daily weather icons

Plus the following calculations:

  • Thunderstorm and lightning risk, including CAPE, Lifted index, Total totals index, K index and Wind shear
  • Frost and dew risk
  • Growing degree days
  • Chill hours and Chill portions
  • Evapotranspiration (eTo)
  • Comfort index, Heat stress rating, Cold stress index
  • UV index
  • Solar radiation
  • Wet bulb globe temperature
  • Snow Level (1000-500 hPa thickness)
  • Weather conducive to Downy Mildew (Milioncast)
  • Soil temperature and moisture
  • Heat Load Index (HLI) and Accumulated Heat Load Units (AHLU) for feedlots
  • Spraying conditions (including inversions)
  • Fog
  • Freezing rain
  • Forest Fire Danger Index (FFDI)

Under development:

  • Crop Diseases: Brassica White Blister (Albugo candida), Powdery Mildew, Dark Leaf Spot (Alternaria brassicae), Botrytis, Ringspot (Mycosphaerella brassicicola) and more…
  • Turf Diseases (for golf courses, sports grounds, racing tracks): Anthracnose, Dollar Spot, Fusarium, Helminthosporium Complex, Pythium, Brown Patch, Spring Dead Spot; and Weeds: Summer grass, Crowsfoot grass, Winter grass and more…


The Jane's Weather API is a per use service. Contact Sales to request pricing details.

Use the x-api-key you are provided with to authenticate the requests.

Future improvements

The API is undergoing heavy development and new features are being added all the time.



Get metadata for latest forecast runs


Our AI Forecast (the ‘ml’ model) is updated as soon as one of the global weather models updates. These forecast models become available at various times throughout a 24 hour period.

Each run of the model is known by the time they began processing (in UTC time), at 00Z, 06Z, 12Z and 18Z.

Each global model run is due around the following times daily:

  • USA/GFS = 1645 UTC (2:45am AEST)
  • CANADA/GEM = 1740 UTC (3:45am AEST)
  • EURO/ECMWF = 1915 UTC (5:15am AEST)
  • AUSTRALIA/ACCESS = 1940 UTC (5:40am AEST)
  • USA/GFS = 2245 UTC (8:45am AEST)
  • EURO/ECMWF = 0030 UTC (10:30am AEST) (only the first 90 hours, the remaining hours are from the prior run)
  • AUSTRALIA/ACCESS = 0130 UTC (11:30am AEST) (only the first 90 hours, the remaining hours are from the prior run)
  • USA/GFS = 0445 UTC (2:45pm AEST)
  • CANADA/GEM = 0540 UTC (3:45pm AEST)
  • EURO/ECMWF = 0715 UTC (5:15pm AEST)
  • AUSTRALIA/ACCESS = 0740 UTC (5:40pm AEST)
  • USA/GFS = 1045 UTC (8:45pm AEST)
  • EURO/ECMWF = 1230 UTC (10:30pm AEST) (only the first 90 hours, the remaining hours are from the prior run)
  • AUSTRALIA/ACCESS = 1330 UTC (11:30pm AEST) (only the first 90 hours, the remaining hours are from the prior run)
query Parameters
Value: "ml"

ML model

integer >= 0

Limit the number of returned results

string <date-time>

Maximum reference time of models in results

string <date-time>

Set the forecast Max Updated Time (UTC).


Response samples

Content type
  • "metadata": [

Forecast Data

Forecast data

Get forecast data for ml model


Get the forecast data for the selected model. Select 'ml' for the AI forecast

The returned forecast object contains several components. These include forecast data, and metadata about the forecast data. These components are explained in the subsequent sections.


Main forecast API request:

curl -H x-api-key:<API_KEY> \

Sample <API_KEY>: UQGfdqipox5lje54b4T5w7hvSJDm6qZNaoClhox1

This sample API KEY allows for limited usage, to test once or twice. Use your assigned key once you receive it.


AI Forecast = ml

For a particular location, using the latitude, longitude and (only needed in alpine regions) google PlaceID

<LAT> ie -36.9752778

<LNG> ie 147.1327778

<PID> find it at (https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/places/web-service/place-id)

For example:

Melbourne from the AI Forecast

curl --location --request \
GET 'https://services.janesweather.com/customers/api/v1/forecast/ml?lat=-37.840935&lng=144.946457' \
--header 'x-api-key: UQGfdqipox5lje54b4T5w7hvSJDm6qZNaoClhox1'

Tip: Go to https://janesweather.com/forecast/graph and select the location you want. The url will contain the lat= lng= and pid=.

Within the output there are several sections:

  1. Metadata
  2. Location
  3. Dataset Summary
  4. Summary
  5. Values

1. Metadata

referenceDate = the model run date and time it began processing (ie 00, 06, 12, 18 UTC) "referenceDate": "2022-08-21T06:00:00+00:00" is the 06Z run on 21st August

updatedAt = when the model finished processing and became available (in UTC)

nextUpdate = when the next run of the model is due to finish processing (in UTC)

See the updates schedule details in Metadata

The following example shows that the AI Forecast ('ml') is currently made up of the 06Z run of the ECMWF, the 06Z run of GFS, the 06Z of ACCESS, and 00Z of GEM. It was updated at 13:25 UTC, and the next update is due at 17:00 UTC:

    "model": "ml",
    "referenceTime": "2024-03-05T06:00:00+00:00",
    "updatedAt": "2024-03-05T13:25:35+00:00",
    "nextUpdate": "2024-03-05T17:00:00+00:00",
    "datasetLength": 0,
    "consensusMembers": [
        "model": "access-g.13km",
        "referenceTime": "2024-03-05T06:00:00+00:00",
        "updatedAt": "2024-03-05T13:25:35+00:00",
        "nextUpdate": "2024-03-05T19:30:00+00:00",
        "datasetLength": 84
        "model": "ecmwf.0p4",
        "referenceTime": "2024-03-05T06:00:00+00:00",
        "updatedAt": "2024-03-05T13:23:19+00:00",
        "nextUpdate": "2024-03-05T20:00:00+00:00",
        "datasetLength": 31
        "model": "gfs.0p25",
        "referenceTime": "2024-03-05T06:00:00+00:00",
        "updatedAt": "2024-03-05T10:55:34+00:00",
        "nextUpdate": "2024-03-05T17:00:00+00:00",
        "datasetLength": 160
        "model": "gem.0p1",
        "referenceTime": "2024-03-05T00:00:00+00:00",
        "updatedAt": "2024-03-05T05:48:09+00:00",
        "nextUpdate": "2024-03-05T18:00:00+00:00",
        "datasetLength": 80

2. Location

The latitude, longitude and local timezone.

"location": {
    "lat": -37.840935,
    "lon": 144.946457,
    "timezone": {
    "location": "Australia/Melbourne"

3. Dataset Summary

This shows the bounds needed on the axis if displaying the information in a graph.

temperature shows the highest and lowest temperature in the next 10 days.

rainfall shows the total amount of rain, as well as the lowest and highest hourly value, in the next 10 days.

snow shows the same, but for all precipitation that should fall as snow (at a temperature less than 0.2C)

evapotranspiration shows the total eTo, as well as the highest and lowest daily value, in the next 10 days.

"datasetSummary": {
        "temperature": {
        "min": 13.3,
        "max": 35.2
        "rainfall": {
        "min": 0,
        "max": 0.3,
        "total": 2.7
        "snow": {
        "min": 0,
        "max": 0,
        "total": 0
        "evapotranspiration": {
        "min": 2.8,
        "max": 7.1,
        "total": 39.7

4. Summary

The daily totals/extremes for each day. The period is midnight to midnight unless specified.

dailyRainTotal is the rainfall total for the 24 hour period.

dailyRainMax is the highest hourly rainfall in the 24 hour period (use to set your axis on a graph).

dailyRainMin is the lowest hourly rainfall in the 24 hour period (use to set your axis on a graph).

dailySnowTotal is the snowfall total for the 24 hour period (precipitation at less than 0.2C).

dailySnowMax is the highest hourly snowfall in the 24 hour period (use to set your axis on a graph).

dailySnowMin is the lowest hourly snowfall in the 24 hour period (use to set your axis on a graph).

dailyHighTemp is the highest temperature during the day between 6am and 9pm. Do not show this after 8pm (display N/A).

overnightLowTemp is the coldest temperature between 6pm the previous day and 9am on the current day. Do not show this after 8am (display N/A).

dailyEvapotranspirationTotal is the total eTo expected for the 24 hour period.

dailyGrowingDegreeBase0Total is the forecast heat accumulation for the 24 hour period for base 0C (used to estimate the growth of crops with a minimum development threshold of 0C)

dailyGrowingDegreeBase5Total is the forecast heat accumulation for the 24 hour period for base 5C (used to estimate the growth of crops with a minimum development threshold of 5C)

dailyGrowingDegreeBase10Total is the forecast heat accumulation for the 24 hour period for base 10C (used to estimate the growth of crops with a minimum development threshold of 10C)

valid is the local date that the data is for (automatically adjusted to daylight savings if needed [ie +11 for Melbourne/Sydney]).

dayIcon is the summary icon for use within daylight hours only.

nightIcon is the summary icon for use over night time hours only. It is from sunset the night prior until the dawn of that day.

dailyIcon is the summary icon for use over the 24 hour period (both day and night, from midnight to midnight).

  "dailyRainTotal": 0,
  "dailyRainMax": 0,
  "dailyRainMin": 0,
  "dailySnowTotal": 0,
  "dailySnowMax": 0,
  "dailySnowMin": 0,
  "dailyHighTemp": null,
  "overnightLowTemp": null,
  "dailyEvapotranspirationTotal": null,
  "dailyGrowingDegreeBase0Total": 0.6,
  "dailyGrowingDegreeBase5Total": 0.4,
  "dailyGrowingDegreeBase10Total": 0.2,
  "valid": "2024-04-03T00:00:00+11:00/P1D",
  "dayIcon": null,
  "nightIcon": null,
  "dailyIcon": "PARTLY_CLOUDY"

5. Values

The hour by hour forecast for the selected model.

apparentTemperature apparent temperature in C aka “feels like” (takes into account the wind and moisture in the air)

cloudCover Lower Middle Upper (different heights of the atmosphere) and Total, as a % of 100. Low refers to cloud with a base below 6500 feet, High has a base above 20,000 feet, Mid is in between

dewPoint how much moisture is in the air in C. See ‘additional notes’ section for more

frostRisk = NO_FROST, CHANCE_FROST, FROST_LIKELY, SEVERE_FROST. See ‘additional notes’ section for more.

relativeHumidity the humidity relative to the air temperature, as a % of 100

valid UTC time

localTime with 10 days of hourly data, each hour in local time

deltaT used for spraying crops, in C. See ‘additional notes’ section for more

rainfall precipitation above 0.2C, in mm

snow precipitation below 0.2C, in cm

tmp2m 2m temperature in C

wind Direction (Cardinal: N NE E etc and Degree: 181.125448654848), Speed (average speed over the hour), Gust (strongest gust over the hour). The wind direction is the direction the wind is blowing FROM (not towards - please double check this is how you configure it in your system, ie 180 blows from the south, a “southerly”).

weatherIcon see the following for all details on icons: ICON DETAILS .

timeOfDay to help select which icon set to use

sprayingConditionRating: rather than just deltaT, we have a complete spraying rating: UNSUITABLE, MARGINAL, GOOD. This takes into account the air temperature, wind speed and cloud cover as well as delta T. Each variable that goes into the calculation is shown too, if you wanted to calculate your own.

growingDegreeDaysBase0: forecast heat accumulation for the hour for base 0C (used to estimate the growth of crops with a minimum development threshold of 0C)

growingDegreeDaysBase5: forecast heat accumulation for the hour for base 5C (used to estimate the growth of crops with a minimum development threshold of 5C)

growingDegreeDaysBase10: forecast heat accumulation for the hour for base 10C (used to estimate the growth of crops with a minimum development threshold of 10C)

thickness: measures the height of the column of air between the ground and ~5km (technically known as thickness 1000hPa and 500hPa, colloquially known as the ‘540 line’ on weather maps coloured in blue). This height is tall when the air is warm (as warm air expands) and short when the air is cold. It helps us determine when the airmass is cold enough to produce snow, and when the airmass is warm enough to produce extreme heat. Use the following key to decipher the output: 5200 Snow to sea level / 5240 Snow to 300m / 5280 Snow to 600m / 5320 Snow to 900m / 5360 Snow to 1200m / 5400 Snow to 1500m / 5440 Snow to 1800m / 5720 Hot weather / 5780 Extreme heat

uvIndexClearSky is the maximum UV rating you can experience during this hour. UV is related to how high the sun is in the sky, not the temperature (and minimally the cloud cover). The UV index assuming a clear sky.

wetBulbGlobeTemperature A raw measure of heat stress in direct sunlight, taking into account temperature, humidity, wind speed and solar radiation.

heatStressRating The Jane’s Weather rating on heat stress, using wetBulbGlobeTemperature, rating fom Low to Moderate to Dangerous.

27.0 to 28.9 = Low Heat Stress 
29.0 to 29.9 = Moderate Heat Stress 
30.0 and above = Dangerous Heat Stress 

chillIndex A raw measure of cold stress on humans and livestock, taking into account temperature, wind (at 0.4 metres above ground), and rainfall in the past 24 hours.

chillIndexCategory The Jane’s Weather rating on cold stress, using chill index, rating fom Negligible to Severe.

> 900: LOW
> 1000: MODERATE
> 1100: HIGH
> 1200: SEVERE

soilTemperatureAt0cm The temperature of the soil at the surface, in Celcius.

globalHorizontalIrradiance The hourly measure of solar radiation. The amount of terrestrial irradiance, the total irradiance from the sun. The sum of Direct Irradiance and Diffuse Horizontal Irradiance. Measured in MJ/m2 (megajoules/m2).


  "apparentTemperature": 10.510739003633956,
  "cloudCoverLower": 71.85515746887285,
  "cloudCoverMiddle": 29.401380226868657,
  "cloudCoverTotal": 56.71632385253906,
  "cloudCoverUpper": 25,
  "dewPoint": 6.619494438171387,
  "frostRisk": "NO_FROST",
  "relativeHumidity": 64.61661529541016,
  "valid": "2024-06-15T05:00:00+00:00",
  "localTime": "2024-06-15T15:00:00+10:00",
  "deltaT": 3.889359376320332,
  "rainfall": 0.007539184576992203,
  "snow": 0,
  "tmp2m": 14.040986061096191,
  "windDirCardinal": "SSE",
  "windDirDegree": 167.87309256860277,
  "windSpeed": 15.126145362854004,
  "windGust": 25.56761054992676,
  "windGustDirCardinal": "SSE",
  "windGustDirDegree": 167.87309256860277,
  "weatherIcon": "MOSTLY_CLOUDY",
  "timeOfDay": "DAY",
  "sprayingConditionRating": "MARGINAL",
  "airTemperatureSprayingRating": "GOOD",
  "deltaTSprayingRating": "GOOD",
  "cloudCoverTotalSprayingRating": "UNSUITABLE",
  "windSpeedSprayingRating": "MARGINAL",
  "growingDegreeDaysBase0": 0.5850410858790079,
  "growingDegreeDaysBase5": 0.3767077525456746,
  "growingDegreeDaysBase10": 0.1683744192123413,
  "thickness": 5401.408645483828,
  "uvIndexClearSky": 0.5867121815681458,
  "wetBulbGlobeTemperature": 14.908561710152284,
  "heatStressRating": "NEGLIGIBLE",
  "chillIndex": 862.3729064071787,
  "chillIndexCategory": "NEGLIGIBLE",
  "soilTemperatureAt0cm": 14.430382780059062,
  "globalHorizontalIrradiance": 1.3065845436520045
path Parameters
Value: "ml"

Forecast model

query Parameters
number <float> [ -90 .. 90 ]
Example: lat=-37.840935


number <float> [ -180 .. 180 ]
Example: lng=144.946457



Google API Place ID. Use with select mountain locations to adjust temperature by elevation.


The desired elevation in meters. Use with select mountain locations to adjust temperature by elevation.

string <date-time>

Artificially set the Current Time (UTC)

string <date-time>

Reference Time (UTC). Use with ct parameter to view previous model runs.

string <date-time>

Set the forecast Max Updated Time (UTC).


Response samples

Content type
  • "model": "ml",
  • "referenceDate": "2024-10-03T12:00:07.314732+00:00",
  • "updatedAt": "2024-10-03T13:23:33+00:00",
  • "nextUpdate": "2024-10-03T15:48:35.280000+00:00",
  • "modelsMetadata": {
  • "location": {
  • "datasetSummary": {
  • "summary": [
  • "values": [

Additional Notes

1. Dew Point

Less than 5 = Dry
513.9 = Comfortable
1419.9 = Humid
20 or more = Tropical

Temperature doesn’t tell the full story about how the air can affect a person, and relative humidity is exactly that, relative to the temperature.

You can have 100% humidity at 9am on a winters morning at 2C, and 100% humidity at 10am on a humid summers morning at 28C, and they will have a very different impact yet the same humidity rating.

Dew Point gives an indication of how much moisture is in the air, and therefore gives a much better representation of how the temperature will actually feel.

A temperature of 25C with a dew point of 5C is pleasant. A temperature of 25C with a dew point of 20C is sweaty.

2. Delta T / Spraying

Less than 1.9 = Marginal for Spraying
27.9 = Good for Spraying
89.9 = Marginal for Spraying
10 or more = Unsuitable for Spraying

Delta-T is the wet bulb depression providing an indication of water evaporation rate. This can indicate whether conditions are suitable for spraying crops, and is included in our Spraying Alert (incorporating temperature, cloud cover and wind speed too).

3. Wind Speed and Gust

0 - 19.9 km/h   = Light
20 - 29.9 km/h  = Moderate
30 - 39.9 km/h  = Breezy
40 - 62.9 km/h  = Strong
63 or more km/h = Gale

Average wind strength across the forecast hour. Wind gusts may be 40% higher than the average over the hour time step. The wind direction is the direction the wind is blowing from, ie S or 180 degrees is a southerly wind.

4. Frost Risk

No Frost
Chance of Frost
Frost Likely
Severe Frost

Risk of frost due to not only temperature, but wind and cloud cover too.

A calm clear night with a temperature of 4C can produce frost (because temperature is forecast at 2 metres above ground level, and on a calm night the air forms layers that reduce in temperature the closer to the ground).

A windy or cloudy night with a temperature of 1C is less likely to produce frost as the air mixes and won't form layers. In this case the temperature is uniform between the ground and 2 metre forecast height.

5. UV Index

1, 2 = Low
3, 4, 5 = Moderate
6, 7 = High
8, 9, 10 = Very High
11+ = Extreme

Sun protection is recommended when the UV (ultraviolet) Index is 3 and above, and at all times of the year at the snow and at the beach/water as these surfaces are highly reflective.

The UV Index is driven by how high the sun is in the sky.

You can still get burnt on cool or cloudy days – so think UV, not just heat or sunshine.

query Parameters
number <float> [ -90 .. 90 ]
Example: lat=-37.840935


number <float> [ -180 .. 180 ]
Example: lng=144.946457



Google API Place ID. Use with select mountain locations to adjust temperature by elevation.


The desired elevation in meters. Use with select mountain locations to adjust temperature by elevation.

string <date-time>

Artificially set the Current Time (UTC)

string <date-time>

Reference Time (UTC). Use with ct parameter to view previous model runs.

string <date-time>

Set the forecast Max Updated Time (UTC).


Response samples

Content type
  • "model": "ml",
  • "referenceDate": "2024-10-03T12:00:07.314732+00:00",
  • "updatedAt": "2024-10-03T13:23:33+00:00",
  • "nextUpdate": "2024-10-03T15:48:35.280000+00:00",
  • "modelsMetadata": {
  • "location": {
  • "datasetSummary": {
  • "summary": [
  • "values": [

Observation Data

Current observation and daily extremes for the weather station location. Please Contact sales to have your weather stations added.

Get observation data for selected weather station


Current observations and daily extremes for the weather station location. Please contact sales to have your weather stations added.

path Parameters
Value: "vic"

Australian state or territory


Station ID


Response samples

Content type
  • "metadata": {
  • "station_info": {
  • "observations": {


We can provide specific guidance on a range of variables through our Alerts Service.

Post forecast alerts


This API returns whether or not conditions are met on each hour for the duration of the forecast.

This API includes the following calculated variables, with more in development. See the example code in this section for a demonstration on how each Alert can perform.

  • Frost risk (also listed in main API), hourly values

  • Good spraying conditions (also listed in main API), hourly values

  • Growing degree days, daily values

  • Weather conducive to Downy Mildew (Millioncast), hourly values

  • Evapotranspiration (to determine irrigation needs), daily values

  • Heat stress and Wind Chill (Feels Like Temperature), hourly values

  • Comfort index (Dew Point Temperature), hourly values

Ideas to try:

TEMPERATURE (tmp2m, apparentTemperature, dewPoint, thickness)

Cold Temperatures: Every hour that the Temperature could fall below the threshold

Hot Temperatures: Every hour that the Temperature could rise above the threshold

Wind Chill: Every hour that the Feels Like Temperature could fall below the threshold

Heat Stress: Every hour that the Feels Like Temperature could rise above the threshold

Comfort Index: Every hour that the air feels Humid or Tropical (when the Dew Point Temperature rises to 14C or above for Humid, and 20C or above for Tropical)

Thickness: Every hour that the temperature of the airmass rises above or below a threshold. Extreme heat is a risk above a thickness of 572, and likely above 576. Snow is likely to fall down to 1500m below 540, to 1200m below 536, 900m below 532, 600m below 528, 300m below 524 and to sea level at 520. Wintry hail is possible in showers when thickness is below 540.

PRECIPITATION (dailyRainTotal, dailySnowTotal, rainfall, snow)

Daily Rain: Every day (midnight to midnight) that the total rain could be more than the threshold

Daily Snow: Every day (midnight to midnight) that the total snow could be more than the threshold

Hourly Rain: Every hour that the rain could be more than the threshold (try 0.1mm to see every hour that rain is possible)

Hourly Snow: Every hour that the snow could be more than the threshold (try 0.1cm to see every hour that snow is possible)


Weather Conditions: Every hour that the Weather Icon matches certain criteria (ie Sunny, Cloudy, Rain, Storm - see the full list of icon options: ICON DETAILS )

Good Spraying Conditions: Every hour that conditions are likely to be rated Good for Spraying (our rating that considers delta t, wind speed, cloud cover, temperature and rainfall)

Frost Risk: Every hour that brings the Risk of Frost (our risk index that considers temperature, wind speed and cloud cover)

Strong Winds: Every hour that the Wind could Gust more than the threshold (try 40km/h for strong winds, 63km/h for gales, 90km/h for damaging winds, 125km/h for destructive gusts).

Downy Mildew Risk: Every time period that could lie within the 10/10/24 rule (more than 10C, delivering more than 10mm, within a 24 hour period)

Growing Degree Days: daily and accumulated (accumulation from the beginning of the model run).

COMING SOON Brassica White Blister Risk, Powdery Mildew Risk, Dark Leaf Spot Risk, Botrytis Risk, Ringspot Risk, Anthracnose Risk, Dollar Spot Risk, Fusarium Risk, Helminthosporium Complex Risk, Pythium Risk, Brown Patch Risk, Spring Dead Spot Risk, Summer grass Risk, Crowfoot grass Risk, Winter grass Risk.

Evapotranspiration: the daily eTo value

UV Level: Every hour the UV index could rise above your threshold (ie 3 Moderate, apply sunscreen)

Ground Temperature: Every hour the ground temperature could fall below your threshold

Solar Radiation: Every hour the global horizontal irradiance goes above your threshold


Full Set of Variable names:


rule, max_value, min_value, equal_value

greater = Returns true if the forecast value is greater than min_value

greater equal = Returns true if the forecast value is greater than or equal to min_value

less = Returns true if the forecast value is less than min_value

less equal = Returns true if the forecast value is less than or equal to min_value

between = Returns true if the forecast value is greater than min_value and less than to max_value

equals = Equals the values in a list

For weather_icon, wind_from_direction and frost_risk the values must be equal to the pre-set value for these variables or an error will occur.

All other variables can have a value that is any real number.

Values that meet the conditions provided will return ‘valueInBounds’ = True value, otherwise False.

hourlyTimeStep, hourlyRule, hourlyMethod

These three options MUST be applied together. Hours don’t have to be consecutive, but must go from smallest to largest.

hourlyTimeStep = Change the time step of the data. Values can be between 1 and 9.

Entries must have a H added (e.g. 2H for a two hour time step, 3H for a 3H timestep)

hourlyRule = Change the time step from hourly to n-hourly.


max: the maximum across the time steps.

min: the minimum across the time steps.

mean: the mean across the time steps.

sum: the total value across the time steps.

non-zero min: the minimum value that is non-zero across the time steps.



rolling: at each time step applies the hourlyRule across hourlyTimeStep

resample: at each hourlyTimeStep applies the hourlyRule

Example: Convert the data to three hour time steps by taking the max of consecutive time steps in a three hour window.

  hourlyTimeStep = 3H, hourlyRule = ‘max’, hourlyMethod='rolling'

dailyTimeStep, dailyRule, dailyMethod

These three options MUST be applied together.

The same as hourly time alterations, but the grouping is by days instead of by hours.

dailyTimeStep = Same as hourlyTimeStep, but changes the time step to days.

  Examples: 2D, 3D, 4D

dailyRule = See hourlyRule, but for daily groups

dailyMethod = See hourlyMethod, but for daily groups

query Parameters
number <float> [ -90 .. 90 ]
Example: lat=-37.840935


number <float> [ -180 .. 180 ]
Example: lng=144.946457


string <date-time>

Set the forecast Max Updated Time (UTC).

string <date-time>

Reference Time (UTC). Use with ct parameter to view previous model runs.


Google API Place ID. Use with select mountain locations to adjust temperature by elevation.

Request Body schema: application/json
Array of objects (Forecast Alert Config Item)
string <uuid>

Unique ID Intended for a future multiple alerts feature which is not currently implemented Currently required but not implemented

Enum: "air_temperature" "apparent_air_temperature" "dew_point_temperature" "wind_speed" "wind_speed_of_gust" "wind_to_direction" "wind_angle_arithmetic" "precipitation_amount" "convective_rainfall_amount" "relative_humidity" "snow" "cloud_area_fraction" "high_type_cloud_area_fraction" "medium_type_cloud_area_fraction" "low_type_cloud_area_fraction" "delta_t" "thunderstorm_probability" "frost_risk" "spraying_condition_rating" "weather_icon" "atmosphere_convective_available_potential_energy_wrt_surface" "downy_mildew" "growing_degree_days_base_0" "growing_degree_days_base_5" "growing_degree_days_base_10"
Enum: "less" "less_equal" "equals" "greater_equal" "greater"
number or null <float>
number or null <float>
Array of strings or null
Array of integers or null

The hours that the user wants their alerts for

Enum: "1H" "2H" "3H" "4H" "5H" "6H" "7H" "8H" "9H"

Changing the time step of the data. Must be used with hourly_rule and hourly_method

string or null
Enum: "max" "min" "mean" "sum" "non-zero min"

When changing the time step from hourly to n-hourly, there are several ways to do this
min: the minimum across the time steps.
max: the maximum across the time steps.
mean: the mean across the time steps.
sum: the total value across the time steps.
non-zero min: the minimum value that is non-zero across the time

string or null
Enum: "rolling" "resample"

rolling: at each time step applies the _hourly_rule** across hourly_time_step
resample: at each hourly_time_step applies the hourly_rule

string or null
Enum: "max" "min" "mean" "sum" "non-zero min"

When changing the time step from daily to n-hourly, there are several ways to do this
min: the minimum across the time steps.
max: the maximum across the time steps.
mean: the mean across the time steps.
sum: the total value across the time steps.
non-zero min: the minimum value that is non-zero across the time

string or null
Enum: "1D" "2D" "3D" "4D" "5D" "6D" "7D" "8D" "9D"

Changing the daily time step of the data. Must be used with daily_rule and daily_method

string or null
Enum: "rolling" "resample"

rolling: at each time step applies the daily_rule across daily_time_step
resample: at each daily_time_step applies the hourly_rule


Request samples

Content type
  • "config": [

Response samples

Content type
  • "metadata": {
  • "alertParams": {
  • "forecast": [

Summary Data

A summary of potential snow in the Australian Alps over the next ten days.

Get snow summary


For each snow resort across Australia’s southeast (in NSW, VIC and TAS) we provide a summary of potential snow totals over the next 3, 7 and 10 days.

The total is given as a range (ie 0.5-11cm). The range is from the model with the least amount of snow to the model with the most amount of snow. If no model predicts any snow the potential snow is 0cm.

The snow resorts and the elevation relevant to the snow potential includes:


  • Mt Buller at 1700m
  • Mt Hotham at 1850m
  • Falls Creek at 1750m
  • Mt Baw Baw at 1550m
  • Mt Stirling at 1700m
  • Mt Buffalo at 1700m
  • Lake Mountain at 1400m


  • Thredbo at 1850m
  • Perisher at 1800m
  • Charlotte Pass at 1850m
  • Selwyn at 1550m (Cabramurra in the code)


  • Ben Lomond at 1500m
  • Mt Mawson at 1250m
  • Mt Wellington at 1250m


Response samples

Content type
  • {
  • {
  • {
  • {
  • {
  • {
  • {
  • {
  • {
  • {
  • {
  • {
  • {
  • {